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In the midst of so much spiritual turbulence the church finds itself shipwrecked in the midst of false doctrines and empty teachings far from the fundamentals of the scriptures, pastors are increasingly experiencing a feeling of orphanhood and lack of ministerial accompaniment, although we are living a time of revival by the Holy Spirit we still have a long way to go to fulfill the Lord's heart's desire for his church, we know that our mission is to extend the kingdom of God and reach the lost but this will be impossible to achieve with a cold church full of worldliness and indifferent to the lost. It is for that reason that ministers and the church urgently need a spiritual restoration and renewal that will help us to turn our eyes back to God and bring us back to the scriptures and to a relationship and revelation of the Holy Spirit living and truly reflecting the life of Christ in us and notice only a religious life void of the presence of the Lord.At A New Awakening International Ministries MUNDI Inc.


(Ministerio Un Nuevo DespertarInternacional Inc.) and has been serving the Lord in full time ministry since January 1980 leading seminars, campaigns, conferences, training courses for ministers and churches,

He is the founder of the radio and television programs Reflections For Living and the Ministry Training Center ANAIM. (We continue praying that the Lord will continue to open the way and prepare the hearts of those servants who feel the same burden and identify with us to join forces and work together in the enlargement of the kingdom of the Lord, if you feel identified and believe that we can contribute and add to your life and ministry we invite you to be part of our ministry and contact us and together we will join forces to move forward in the work of the Lord.


Yours in the Service of the Lord.

Apostle Dr. Samuel De Lucio

President and founder

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